Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

1/2 Day Schedule Today Due to Conferences
****Life Science****

  1. Useful Resources:  Cell Structure and Function Websites
  2. Quiz: Microscope Basics: November 14th
Standards and Benchmarks (Life Science 6-8):
  1. EALR 4.6-8.LS1A:  All organisms are composed of cells, which carry out the many functions needed to sustain life.
  2. EALR 4.6-8.LS1A: (Performance Task): Draw and describe observations made with a microscope showing that plants and animals are made of cells, and explain that cells are the fundamental unit of life.
  3. EALR 4.6-8.LS1D:  Both plant and animal cells must carry on life functions, so they have parts in common, such as nuclei, cytoplasm, cell membranes, and mitochondria.  But plants have specialized cell parts, such as chloroplasts for photosynthesis and cell walls, which provide plants their overall structure. 
Big Idea:
  1. Cells are the basic units of living organisms, themselves consisting of many parts that have varying functions. 
  2. Microscopes allow us to observe objects (specimens) with detail not possible with the naked eye. 
Class Outline:
  1. Attendance
  2. Planner Completion
  3. Entry Tasks:
    1. Review Process Explanations
      1. To be completed silently, individually
        1. Copy the question into your entry task sheet
        2. Write you own answer
          1. If you don't know... you still must ATTEMPT an answer.   Make it up if you need to.   
          2. Writing "I don't know" is not acceptable.
          3. If you run out of room for an answer, use the additional space provided at the end.
      2. Form Use
        1. One page for each week
        2. Turned in every two weeks.  
    2. Second Entry Task
    1. Content Review:  Functions of Cells:  (Was not completed on Tuesday)
      1. Use Energy
        1. Cellular Respiration => Conversion of oxygen and sugar to energy, carbon dioxide and water.
      2. Manufacture materials
        1. Enzymes
        2. Hormones
        3. Oils
        4. Digestive Juices
        5. Waste Materials
      3. Respond to Environment
        1. Maintaining chemical balance
        2. Adjusting to environment (Pirate Patch)
      4. Reproduce
        1. Cellular Division (Mitosis and Meiosis)
        2. Maturity (Inability to Reproduce ==>  Brain Cells)
    2. Viewing Cells:  Introduction to the Microscope (Learning the Microscope Worksheet)
      1. Microscope Virtual Lab
      2. Introduction to Kingspoint Microscopes
    1. Complete: (If not already done) (Was due Today)
      1. Find a website that provides more information about the "Function of Cells" or the "Structure of Cells".   
        1. Use this form to enter the URL of the website:  STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF CELLS WEBSITE
          1. You may not enter the same website as somebody else, so you must check THIS link to see what other sites have already been entered:   Previous URL entries
    2. Complete "Learning the Microscope Worksheet"  (Not due until Wednesday next week)


    Standards and Benchmarks:
    1. CCSS-GSRT.1
      1. Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the angles in the triangle, leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios for acute triangles
    2. CCSS-GSRT.6
      1. Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the angles in the triangles, leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios.
    3. CCSS-GSRT.7
      1. Explain and use the relationship between sine and cosine of complementary angles.
    4. CSS-GSRT.8
      1. Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems.
    Big Idea:
    1. Radians are the standard measure of angle in many areas of mathematics and engineering.
    2. The Unit Circle is a standard circle used in trigonometric functions. 
    Class Outline: 
    1. Review work from last class. 
    2. Class time for work. 
      1. Please see assignment pacing guide (Linked above)

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