Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday, November 1st, 2013


Standards and Benchmarks:
  1. CC.9-12.G-CO.9:  Prove theorems about lines and angles. 
Big Idea:

Class Outline:
  1. Attendance
  2. Correct and Review Quiz


    Big Idea:

    Class Outline:
    1. Attendance
    2. Photo File Management: Why it's important.
    3. Photo File Management Tutorial
      1. Read the following sections of this tutorial:  Photo File Management
        1. Image File Management
        2. Setting up an organized system
        3. Naming Image Folders
        4. Transferring and Backing Up Images
        5. Managing Edited Images
      2. Answer the questions on the following form:   Photo File Management Assignment
    4. Practice File Management
      1. Download the images from Yesterday's Spirit Day Activities
        1. Click HERE to access the Photos
      2. On YOUR NETWORK drive, inside your folder for photography class, create another folder labeled:  "2013-10-31-Spirit Day"
      3. Select your favorite photos that fit each of the following categories:
        1. Action  (3 photos)
        2. Portrait (2 photos)
        3. Candid (2 photos)
      4. Delete ALL other photos.
      5. Use your favorite photo editing website to edit EACH of the above photos. 
        1. Everytime you edit the photo, you should save it into the same folder os the original, but add an appropriate 'tag' in the filename to indicate what sort of EDIT you made to the photo. 
          1. Example:  You open the file "DSC_001.jpg" and then change it to black and white.  You would save the file as "DSC_001_B&W.jpg"
    5. Assignment(s):
      1. Photo Adjustment 
        1. For this assignment, you will be making basic adjustments to a photo. 
     Technique Exploration:
    1. Read the following article (in entirety):
      2. Notice that underneath each type of photography listed, there are several links to further articles/tips.
    2. Choose TWO of the types of photography listed, and read the linked 'How To'  articles. 
      1. Complete the following form for EACH type of photography selected:
        1. Photography Technique Exploration
    1. Finish the above assignment.
    2. Bring camera to class next Friday.
    3. Bring camera connector (USB) cable to class.
    4. Clear SD card.

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